Sunday, January 13, 2013

My Winter Break Movies, Shows and Books!

Throughout the break I have tried distracting myself anyway I could. Luckily, I found refuge in stories; inspirational stories, travel stories, action stories, fantasy stories, funny stories, anything that could take me somewhere else. Through these stories I have found insight and a safe place to put my thoughts. 
  1. The Dark Knight Rises 
  2. Eat, Pray, Love
  3. Elizabethtown
  4. The Black Swan
  5. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
  6. He’s Just Not That Into You
  7. The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship
  8. Pitch Perfect
  9. High School
  10. Sherlock Holmes 2
  11. Shanghai Nights
  12. Teen Wolf (TV series)
  13. Sex and the City (TV series)
  14. The Mortal Instruments Series (book series)
Yes, clearly I have had a lot of time on my hands, but there is just something so great about being in such a horrible mood and then pressing play or picking up a book and being totally immersed in a story completely different than the one going on in your own life. After I finished these stories, the mood they created lingered in me and inspired me to change the way I think about things. I honestly don't think I could have gotten through this break with out them. Each story inspired me in a different way, whether it be to work out (Dark Night), care less about what other people think (pitch perfect), travel more (Eat Pray Love and Elizabethtown), be more independent (sex and the city), be excited about my future (Sex and the City), be less desperate (he's just not that into you) and so much more! 

I'm wondering if anyone else knows of a movie they really love that has changed their life to think in another way or inspired them to do something? Leave me a comment :)

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